Was Signed :

line initials………… N …. A …. T …. W …. N …. A …. B …. A …. B …. T …. A …. T …. B …. T
value …..,,,,,,,,,,,,… 13 …. 1 …. 19 21 …. 13 …. 1 ….. 2 …. 1 ….. 2 19 …. 1 .,.. 19 2 …. 19
counting .,,,,,,,,,,,,. 13 14 33 .. 54 …. 67 .. 68 70 71 73 92 93 . 112.. 114 .. 133 .

Other pages on this site present some rather strong evidence for the theory that ‘William Shakespeare’ is the shared pen name of Will Shakspere, Francis Bacon, and Christopher Marlowe. Of these three authors, Shakspere and Bacon seems to have been of equal importance, and Marlowe a liability. And under the alias Samuel Crosse a minor actor in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men.

The total of 133 for this second prologue (Q2 & F1) corresponds with ‘Christopher’ (simple cypher) ‘Marlowe’ (Kay-cypher), and in the position of the first ‘chance’ hit in the subtotals for the reduced sequence we now find the second hit on Bacon. Which can’t be much of a surprise regarding the initials of the respective lines five. Both hits on Bacon signatures are on Fibonacci lines, and the possibility of chance hits is definitely reduced to a statistical extreme when one takes into account that a reverse count produces the sum of these hits on the ‘W’ between them.

This sonnet has no random capitals but the name initials of Romeo and Juliet. These initials add up to a total score that is of no interest in itself. Which invites to combine their numbers with the sequence of initials :

line initials………… N …. A …. T …. W …. N …. A …. B …. A …. B …. T …. A …. T …. B …. T
value …..,,,,,,,,,,,,… 13 …. 1 …. 19 21 …. 13 …. 1 ….. 2 …. 1 ….. 2 19 …. 1 .,.. 19 2 …. 19
counting ………….. 13 14 33 .,. 63 93 94 .. 96 .. 97 99 .118 .. 119 . 138. 140 . 159
value……………………………………….. 9 ….. 17
random initials…………………………. I ….. R

Again, only hits on Fibonacci lines. Which leaves only a blank on line thirteen. But that is a matter of direction, because the reverse count produces a signature on the very spot. In order to rule out chance as its source, it would be nice to find some more signatures on Fibonacci lines when we continue to count from right to left : 63 on line eight, 96 on line five, and 145 on line three.

Blanks they may be. But the result is interesting all the same. Because the combination of the two directions do not result in a double hit on a single line, the four Fibonacci lines, that cover the Divine proportion, combine to a sequence of three hits and a near miss. And that tiny error on line five makes all the difference : a hit on that most convenient repetition of ‘Shakspere’ on line five, would have resulted from a ‘Francis’ on line six. Which is not a Fibonacci line, and must be kept a blank at all costs in order to rule chance out.

The cost is an officially registered blank on line five. But the subtotal on the name initial, that in reverse direction directly precedes the line initial, is 83. Which combines with the initial’s original subtotal to yet another near miss. One that comes close to the overall score of the previous sonnet this time. This original subtotal happens to be the reversion of ’39’, which number corresponds with both ‘W. S.’ and ‘F. Bacon’. And in this respect ’83’ appears to be a near miss in its own right. At which point this line of inquiry ends, because the reversed count does not produce similar results on the other Fibonacci lines. But have a look at the subtotal on line five from right to left on ‘line intials only’ instead : 79 is the reversal of the very hit for the near miss that ruled out chance.

This result is supported by a check on the interaction of the random initials with the capitals of the previous sonnet. To the effect of a modest four hits on the scores of twenty-four tested combinations.  Chance is the most likely source of these hits, and they wouldn’t be worth a second look if it was not for the pattern : two hits for each quarto, and each set of hits makes a combination of related numbers  :

……………………………………………………………………………. R = 17 + I = 9 ………. = .26
Q1 : a repetition of moves………………………………………. sum ……………… difference
line initials (high) …………………… =  152 …………………. 178 ……………………….. 126
line initials (low) ……………………. =  123 …………………. 149 …………………………. 97
line initials (between brackets) = . 29 …………………… 55 …………………………… 3
random (high) ………………………..103 …………………. 129 …………………………. 77
random (low) ………………………… = 44 …………………… 70 …………………………. 18
random (between brackets) ……. = .  59 ……………………. 85 ………………………… 33

……………………………………………………………………………. R = 17 + I = 9 ……… = .26
Q2 : a signature…………………………………………………….. sum …………….. difference
random (between brackets) …….. =.  38 ……………………. 64 ………………………… 12
random (low) ………………………… = .  48 ……………………. 74 ……..‘William’……. 22 ..
random (high) ………………………. = .  86 …………………… 112 ………………………… 60
line initials (between brackets) .. = ..  9 …………………….. 35 ………………………… 18……. ‘S’
line initials (low) …………………… =  168 …………………… 194 ………………………. 142
line initials (high) ………………….. =  177 …………………… 203 ………………………. 151